Easy Way to Take Skin Off Tomatoes
FAST and EASY! You won't believe how quickly you can peel and seed a tomato when you learn this method! Easy to follow instructions with How to Peel and See a Tomato!
Summer Cherry Tomato Salad
Why This How to Peel and Seed a Tomato Works
- Fast
- Easy
- You have everything you need for the job at home already!
Recipes for Tomatoes?
We love tomatoes in Bacon Dip, Tomato Pie, Cucumber Tomato Salad, tomato gravy and fried green tomatoes!!!
Here's How to Peel and Seed a Tomato
STEP 1. Cut a little X on the bottom of the tomato.
Cut a cross on the tomato's bottom
STEP 2. Drop the tomato into boiling water.
Boil tomatoes for 2 minutes or so – till skin loosens
STEP 3. After tomato sits in the boiling water for a minute or 2, remove to a bowl of waiting ice water. This stops the cooking
Submerge in icewater for 2-3 minutes
STEP 4. After tomato has cooled, the skin will slip right off.
Skin peeling off the tomato – simply slip it off
STEP 5. Cut the tomato in half, use a spoon turned upside down to scrape out the seeds and inside pieces. (Do this Gently so as not to destroy the meat of the tomato). You can do this step weather you have removed the skin or not.
Frequently Asked Questions About How to Peel and Seed a Tomato
What Kind of Tomatoes Can I Use for Peeling and Seeding?
This process works for literally ANY tomato. I use this technique when I'm canning tomatoes or if I need to peel tomatoes for a recipe. Either one.
How Do I Peel and Seed Tomatoes in the Microwave
Make an 'X' on the bottom of the tomato, microwave on high for 25 seconds, remove from the microwave and place in an ice bath. When cool enough to handle, peel the skin off. Follow the directions below for how to remove the seeds.
***Keep in mind that there is a danger that the tomato could pop or explode and could make a mess in your microwave, using the stove top method is preferred.
How Do I Remove the Core of a Tomato?
Interesting that you should ask! I have a post about it right here, (How to Core a Tomato), but basically, you use the sharp end of a small knife and cut down into the tomato using a circular motion to remove it.
Can I Just Remove the Peel with a Knife?
Yes, you absolutely can! If I need to peel and seed 3 or more tomatoes, the boiling method is worth the extra effort, less than three and simply peeling by cutting the skin off with a very sharp kitchen knife is a better option.
Tips and Tricks
- Wash the tomatoes of any visible dirt (if using garden fresh tomatoes) before starting this process.
- A small X is fine on the bottom of the tomato, it will work, but I've found that large X's seem to work a little better.
- No need to boil the tomatoes hard, like a cauldron. Instead, a gentle simmer is fine. We don't' want to cook the tomato, just get the skin off.
- Have a waiting bowl of ice water to dunk the tomatoes in. I use my kitchen spider for this job but a large slotted spoon will work too. I'll put a picture of a kitchen spider below here and you can click through onto Amazon to check it out if you want. You'll find better prices at your local Target, Wal-Mart, etc.
- More great information about tomatoes for canning purposes!
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- 1 sauce pan of boiling water
- 1 lb tomatoes you can peel any amount of tomatoes with this method
- 1 bowl of ice water
To Peel the Tomatoes
wash tomatoes
cut an X on the bottom of the tomato
submerse in boiling water and allow to boil for about 2 minutes – just until skin starts to loosen
Remove the tomatoes to the ice water and allow to rest in the icewater for 2-3 minutes (stops the cooking from the boiling water)
When cool enough to touch, The tomato skins will be loose and easy to slip right off.
To Seed the Tomatoes
Cut the tomato in half, use a spoon turned upside down to scrape out the seeds and gel.
- Wash the tomatoes of any visible dirt (if using garden fresh tomatoes) before starting this process.
- A small X is fine on the bottom of the tomato, it will work, but I've found that large X's seem to work a little better.
- No need to boil the tomatoes hard, like a cauldron. Instead, a gentle simmer is fine. We don't' want to cook the tomato, just get the skin off.
- Have a waiting bowl of ice water to dunk the tomatoes in. I use my kitchen spider for this job but a large slotted spoon will work too. I'll put a picture of a kitchen spider below here and you can click through onto Amazon to check it out if you want. You'll find better prices at your local Target, Wal-Mart, etc.
PRO TIP: Only put 1-2 tomatoes into the simmering water at a time. If you put more, it will decrease the temperature enough that the tomatoes will slowly start to cook instead of bubble in the heat. Have the water at a good hard simmer, drop in one or maybe two tomatoes and they should be done in only a minute or two.
Nutrition Facts
How to Easily Peel a Tomato
Amount Per Serving
Calories 8 Calories from Fat 9
% Daily Value*
Fat 1g 2%
Saturated Fat 1g 5%
Sodium 2mg 0%
Potassium 108mg 3%
Carbohydrates 2g 1%
Fiber 1g 4%
Sugar 1g 1%
Protein 1g 2%
Vitamin A 378IU 8%
Vitamin C 6mg 7%
Calcium 5mg 1%
Iron 1mg 6%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
** *This recipe first appeared on Loaves and Dishes on July 22, 2015 and has been updated with new photos, video, updated recipe card, how to with photos, why this recipe works, nutrition information, equipment information, recipes notes, pro tip and frequently asked questions.
It's a hard command, isn't it. Always walk in love. Especially when there are people we don't really want to love. But try anyway!
2 John 1:6
And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love
Source: https://www.loavesanddishes.net/how-to-easily-peel-a-tomato/
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