How to Draw Vault Boy
Fallout 4 is here! We've decided to celebrate it by giving you a chance to draw your own Vault Boy. Step by step, you'll learn how to build a complex silhouette out of ovals and curves. Maybe you'll even learn how to draw your own Fallout character in this style? Let's see!
1. Draw the Body
Before we start, choose one of two ways of drawing (if you draw digitally, just skip this):
- Draw all the lines very subtly, and then finish them strongly when the drawing is done.
- Draw the lines as you want, then use the method from the last section of my tutorial How to Draw a Baby Fox.
Step 1
Draw a circle. It doesn't need to be perfect or very clean.

Step 2
Take a measure from the radius of the circle and draw a line three times as long.

Step 3
Draw a line at the bottom. The part on the right should be longer than the radius.

Step 4
Let's build the guide lines for the legs. First, draw a curve between the middle of the circle and the left end of the floor line.

Step 5
Now draw a curve between the bottom of the circle and the left end of the floor line.

Step 6
Find the half point of the middle radius-line. Draw a curve coming though it.

Step 7
Use the same point to draw another curve.

Step 8
"Close" the shape with the two last curves.

Step 9
Draw the head circle, slightly smaller than the chest circle and more on the right.

Step 10
Imagine the head circle is a part of a mirrored "9". Add the curve it needs to be complete.

Step 11
Give the head a sort of "handle".

2. Draw the Arms
Step 1
Draw two lines one radius long on both sides of the chest circle.

Step 2
Prepare the guide lines for the arms as shown below:

Step 3
Draw ovals for the hands.

Step 4
Add the fingers...

... and the thumb.

Finish the thumb with curves:

Step 5
Now, draw the arms using the guide lines:

3. Draw the Shoes
Step 1
Draw the ends of the pants near the floor level.

Step 2
Build the shoes with simple ovals.

4. Draw the Head Details
Step 1
Draw the hair line around the upper part of the head.

Step 2
You can create Vault Boy's curls with circles of various sizes.

Then just connect them.

Step 3
Add the ear and the sideburns.

Step 4
To draw the mouth, start with a wide, Joker-style smile.

Step 5
Add a smaller curve at the top.

Step 6
Cross the smile with the corners of the lips.

Step 7
Draw the other facial features.

5. Draw the Other Details
Step 1
To draw the neck, draw a rotated oval with its bottom near the chin.

Step 2
Draw a similar, bigger oval to create the band around the neck.

Step 3
Draw the belt.

Step 4
Add the "vest".

Step 5
Now, using one or the other method, finish the picture by drawing the final lines over the guide lines.

Good Job!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I can't wait to see your end result! And hey, did you know that if you modify the steps a little, you'll be able to create your own personification of Vault Boy (or Girl)? That would be fun to see, too!
If you want to create more Fallout-related art, try this Fallout Photoshop Action from Envato Market for a truly post-apocalyptic look.
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